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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

To Sonu ..With Love

They are your companions for life - only that when this companion leaves you suddenly that you realise that they were such an important part of your life. they come into our lives for such short time and before you know it they leave "the footprints of their little paws" in our lives.

This poem is for one such companion I had , I dedicate it to SONU.

Sunlight streams through the windowpane
unto a spot on the floor,
then I remember - it's where you used to lie,
but now you are no more.

I remember how you’d run to me
to play your favorite game,
And how your ears would perk right up
on hearing me call your name.

You’d wake me up each morning,
By licking on my face
You’d run around me in circles;
In your fast pace.

You’d jump on me as soon as I come
We’d roll together on the lawn
If anyone tried to separate us
You let out a loud moan

You always knew;
If I were having a bad day
so you'd snuggle up close to me;
And try to get me to play.

If that didn't work;
You’d put your head in my lap
then make yourself comfortable;
And take a sound nap.

You’d always lend a thoughtful ear,
a problem you’d never miss.
I miss the way, on my cheek
You’d lay a little doggy kiss.

Old habits still make me think
I hear a barking at the door.
Or step back when I drop
a tiny morsel on the floor.

My feet still go around the staircase
where the food dish used to be,
I still sit on the terrace all alone,
Thinking you are still listening to me.

It still pains me that I was not with you
On your last day
I wish I had one last chance to do something
That would have made you stay.

I wish somehow to tell you,
how empty I now feel.
A part of me went with you,
a part that time can't heal.

Although time may bring new friends
and a new food dish to fill,
that one place in my heart belongs to you
and always will.


1 comment:

Eru said...

very sweeet :)

made me miss my canine companion :(

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