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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Promise To My Love

I am back after a long long time.... there wasn't enough motivation for me to write I guess.. Never mind...this post is dedicated to someone really really special !!

Learning how to love is a life long process. Each day we learn a little more. It can be hard work and sometimes we make mistakes, but Love is worth the effort! You are worth the effort !

I believe that no one can love you
quite as deeply as I do;
And yet I often fail to show
the depth of it to you.
I vow to do the little things,
to show you every day;
But one thing or another
seems to get into the way.
I pledge to be more open,
to have courage and be strong;
But some how sometimes fear takes over
and then everything goes wrong.
I dream of perfect love for us,
and hope that it will be;
And yet I end up giving you
a less than perfect me.
I want to be much more for you,
be everything you need.
I hope and seek, beg and pray
"Change me God! ", I plead.
You are the only one I want.
It is for you I yearn.
I guess, my love, there's still so much
that I have yet to learn.
I cannot give perfection,
but this I promise I will do -
I will spend my life time learning
how to give my love to you.

- Megha

1 comment:

Ramanathan Kannan said...

Awwww....Very honest poem :) I feel the same way but I suck at poems...

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